Contact Us

Our approach is honest and uniquely crafted to fit each founding team's needs as you grow & mature.

At Rebel and Hart, we understand the hustle, excitement, and splash of masochism it takes to bring startup dreams to life.

Our startup journies, over twenty years of working in and collaborating with startups, mean we're your strategic partners in the wild & sometimes overwhelming entrepreneurship journey. We appreciate that each journey makes us a little wiser and sharpens our sense of humor.

The path ahead holds multitudes.
But you are not alone.

Let's get the conversation started. We're eager to immerse ourselves in your vision and discuss how our operational and cultural acumen can supercharge your path forward. Book an intro call, and let's talk.

Wanna get in touch and prefer email?

Shoot us a line

PS- We know runway management is tricky and stressful.
We work with sliding scales & scope to fit nearly any budget.